8 of Swords: Tarot Meaning for Love, Spirituality, & More (2024)

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Learn what the 8 of Swords means for your tarot readings

Co-authored byStina Garbisand Luke Smith, MFA

Last Updated: October 13, 2023Fact Checked

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  • Upright Meanings
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  • Reversed Meanings
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  • Yes or No Questions
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  • Significant Card Combinations

The Eight of Swords can be an alarming card to draw in a tarot reading, with its depiction of a bound and blindfolded woman. But like any tarot card, it appears to help and advise you, showing you that your restrictions and limitations are only temporary. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about interpreting the Eight of Swords, including its upright and reversed meaning, yes-or-no answers, an analysis of its appearance, and important cards it’s often paired with.

Things You Should Know

  • The upright Eight of Swords represents feelings of entrapment, imprisonment, constriction, and helplessness.
  • The reversed Eight of Swords represents freedom, release, solutions, new horizons, independence, and action.
  • The Eight of Swords depicts a woman blindfolded and bound by ropes, standing in swampy water and backdropped by a hill and a castle.

Section 1 of 5:

Upright Meanings

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  1. 1

    General The Eight of Swords often points to feelings of being trapped or stuck, just as the woman herself is bound and caged by swords. You might feel tied down by your circ*mstances—a restricting job, a suffocating relationship, financial burdens, or even poor mental health or negative thoughts.[1] You’re likely overwhelmed or feeling cornered, or like you can’t find your way out of your situation. But though it seems inescapable, you’ll be able to find your way out of this sticky spot the same way you found your way in.

    • The Eight of Swords is often associated with a lack of perspective, lack of direction, and a need for guidance.
    • The suit of swords often represents the mind, perception, and the ego, and tends to speak to these aspects of yourself.[2]
    • Swords are also closely related to air signs—Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius—which are often tuned to matters of thought and intellect.
  2. 2

    Love and relationships An upright Eight of Swords suggests that you’re feeling stagnant or trapped in a relationship, whether that’s a romance, friendship, or family bond. The relationship is marked with drama and conflict, and may even be toxic or abusive.[3] The Eight of Swords comes as a wake-up call that the problem needs to be addressed, and the only way to do so is to take action yourself, whether that means fixing the relationship or ending it.

    • Don’t hesitate to leave an abusive relationship if you ever fear for your own physical or mental health.
    • This card may also signify that you’re waiting for someone to come and solve your problems, rather than taking steps to solve them yourself, especially if you’re single.


  3. 3

    Career and finances The Eight of Swords indicates that you’re feeling trapped in your job or career choice. You feel that your current job is weighing you down and not providing the foundation or opportunities you hoped for when you first set out on your professional journey. You might be keeping yourself there out of obligation, or fear of what might happen if you leave.[4] But if you don’t explore other options, you won’t be able to find greener pastures elsewhere.

    • Begin searching for a career you’ll actually love. Ask yourself where your passions lie and what you want from a job and start there.
    • Or, look up a local career counselor on a site like the National Career Development Association to link up with a professional advisor to gain more direction.
  4. 4

    Health and wellbeing The Eight of Swords often symbolizes mental blocks that leave you feeling confused, overwhelmed, or generally hard on yourself.[5] Your mental health may be suffering and in need of some TLC. That poor mental health can affect your physical health, as well, which has cascading negative effects that bleed into the rest of your daily life.[6] It’s time for a mindset reset.

    • Improve your mental health by exercising, indulging your creativity with things like art or other hobbies, and making time to rest to give your brain a break.
  5. 5

    Spirituality Spiritually, the upright Eight of Swords represents a lack of direction, fear of the unknown, or spiritual paralysis.[7] You’re overwhelmed by everything you don’t understand, and feel like you can’t find your way forward without a path illuminated for you. But your spiritual journey won’t always be straight and narrow, and part of personal growth is learning to feel your way through the dark, even with a blindfold on.

    • Practice some breathing exercises to calm your body and mind. Breathe in for 5 seconds, then out for 5 seconds, and repeat until you feel your body slow down.[8]
    • Then, meditate on how far you’ve come on your life path. You’ve seen and experienced so much, and there’s so much more in store for you!
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Section 2 of 5:

Reversed Meanings

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  1. 1

    General The reversed Eight of Swords tends to be more positive than its upright position. When reversed, this card signifies release, escape, freedom, solutions, and clear eyes.[9] It predicts that you’ll soon find an end to your current challenges, whether they’re to do with your relationships, career, or wellness. An answer will come, as long as you put in the work to find and reach for it.

    • The reversed Eight of Swords also indicates new perspectives, healing, empowerment, and overcoming obstacles.
  2. 2

    Love and relationships When it comes to relationships, a reversed Eight of Swords suggests that you’ll overcome relationship conflicts and find new peace of mind.[10] That may mean mending the relationship, or leaving it altogether. The route it yours to choose, but whichever path you take, your restrictive bonds will be severed and you’ll find a new appreciation for your own ability to communicate and stand up for your needs and desires.

    • If you’re single, this card may mean that you’ll find the self-confidence to put yourself out there and find your soulmate.
  3. 3

    Career and finances The reversed Eight of Swords lends you the perspective and courage you need to know when your career is suffocating rather than serving you.[11] You might not be getting what you need from it, financially or professionally, and the Eight of Swords encourages you to break free and find a job that’ll make better use of your skills, effort, and time. You deserve to be rewarded for your hard work, so don’t hesitate to look for a job that will do just that.

    • Take some time to polish up your resume. Putting it together is a great reminder of your own skills and talents.
  4. 4

    Health and wellbeing The reversed Eight of Swords represents finding relief from mental burdens, whether they’re short-term anxieties or more serious afflictions like depression.[12] Your road has been long and often restricting, but your load may soon be lightened. You might find solace in the company of a friend or family member, or even find treatment by speaking to a therapist. You know better than anyone that your troubles aren’t exactly simple or easy to fix, but that doesn’t mean you can’t live a full and happy life.

  5. 5

    Spirituality Spiritually, the reversed Eight of Swords signifies empowerment and hope.[13] Your blindfold falls away to reveal new perspectives and horizons. Talking to someone new will help open your mind, and trying something you’ve always wanted to experience will broaden your horizons. Rather than showing you a narrow life path, the universe will show you many options, and there’s hardly a wrong road to travel.

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Section 3 of 5:

Eight of Swords in Yes or No Questions

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    The Eight of Swords indicates a “no” when pulled upright. When doing tarot to get answers to yes-or-no questions, an upright Eight of Swords is a definitive “no.” It often means that you aren’t quite ready for the answer you seek, and first you must find your way out of whatever’s tying you down.[14] You might ask follow-up questions for more clarity.

    • For example, if you pull an Eight of Swords to the question, “Will I find love soon?” you may need to get other aspects of your life in order before you’re ready for romance.
  2. 2

    A reversed Eight of Swords is a “yes.” The reversed Eight of Swords is a positive answer, but with a caveat. It suggests that the “yes” won’t come easily or without a little effort on your part, but that if you work to overcome your obstacles and face the challenges in your way, your positive answer will be realized.[15]

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Section 4 of 5:

Card Appearance & Symbolism

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  1. The Eight of Swords depicts a blindfolded woman among swords. The woman is bound by ropes and imprisoned in a cage of swords, signifying immobility or imprisonment.[16] Behind her is a hill—sometimes a castle—and perhaps her home, suggesting she’s wandered far from safety.[17] Her dress is often red or pink, symbolizing fire or caged passion, and she stands with water at her feet, a sign that she’s mired in both her emotions and her circ*mstances.

    • These details are often read as signs of fear, toxicity, constriction, isolation, and surrender.
    • Note that this description is based on the class Rider-Waite tarot deck, and your own card may vary depending on which deck you use.

Section 5 of 5:

Significant Card Combinations

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  1. 1

    With the Hanged Man The Hanged Man represents surrender, sacrifice, and non-action.[18] When pulled alongside the Eight of Swords, it comes as a warning that your own passivity may be your undoing. It urges you to take action and fight to overcome your circ*mstances, and to stop waiting for a savior. You are your own way out.

  2. 2

    With the Magician The Magician signifies power, action, and resourcefulness.[19]. It brings a vital balance of energy to a hand that also contains the Eight of Swords, reminding you that you have the initiative, intuition, and power to overcome your challenges. The only way to lose is to give up hope, so persevere and remember that you have what it takes to achieve balance and bliss.

  3. 3

    With the Two of Cups The Two of Cups represents union, sharing, partnership, and cooperation.[20] It tells you that, though you may feel cornered, a helping hand is waiting for you to reach out and grasp it. You’re never alone in this life, and allies are all around you. Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it, from a friend, family member, or even a stranger.

  4. 4

    With the Four of Wands The Four of Wands is associated with growth, abundance, and homecomings.[21] It suggests that, though you’ve strayed far from the comfort of home, the road back is always available to you, even if it looks different from how you left it. An old friend or a trusted family member makes a powerful ally. Most of all, though, home is where you make it.

  5. 5

    With the Seven of Pentacles The Seven of Pentacles represents reevaluation, contemplation, and recognition.[22] Though your situation may feel hopeless, the Seven of Pentacles reminds you that sometimes, all you need is to put things in perspective. Ask yourself: are your obstacles really insurmountable, or do they just feel that way in the moment. Take a break and set your mind to other things; you may come back with a clear solution that wasn’t obvious before.

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      About This Article

      8 of Swords: Tarot Meaning for Love, Spirituality, & More (40)

      Co-authored by:

      Stina Garbis

      Psychic Astrologer

      This article was co-authored by Stina Garbis and by wikiHow staff writer, Luke Smith, MFA. Reverend Stina Garbis is a Psychic Astrologer and the Owner of Psychic Stina. With over 30 years of experience, she specializes in providing personal and professional advice through astrology and tarot card readings. Reverend Stina has experience working with high-profile celebrities, sports figures, politicians, and CEOs. She has been featured in many publications, including Bustle, Vice, The New York Post, and Readers’ Digest and she also has a 200k+ following on TikTok. Stina holds an Ordained Minister License from The International Metaphysical Ministry University Seminary. This article has been viewed 1,785 times.

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      Updated: October 13, 2023


      Categories: Tarot Cards

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      8 of Swords: Tarot Meaning for Love, Spirituality, & More (2024)


      8 of Swords: Tarot Meaning for Love, Spirituality, & More? ›

      In matters of love and relationships, the Eight of Swords in the upright position suggests that you may feel trapped or confined in your current relationship. You may perceive yourself as being unable to escape, but it is important to remember that you have the power to change your situation.

      What does 8 of swords mean in a love reading? ›

      8 of Swords is being trapped by your own mind which unable you to take an action. As a love reading outcome is not a good omen, because there are fears and anguish about ending a relationship yet being miserable without that person, they can't move in any direction.

      What is the spiritual message of the Eight of Swords? ›

      In a spiritual context, the Eight of Swords tells you not to allow yourself to be restricted. You may be feeling powerless when it appears, this can take the form of feeling trapped in your life or confined to a religion or spiritual path.

      What is the advice of the Eight of Swords? ›

      The Eight of Swords is an invitation to reach in and find solidarity with your sense of self. It asks you to take a look at your mindsets, belief systems and communication and find your way to trusting those things completely. Stop doubting your mind and start being your own support system.

      Is the 8 of swords a yes or no love card? ›

      In reading for love and relationship, the Eight of Swords is considered inauspicious if you are in a relationship because it can indicate feeling backed into a corner or stuck in your relationship. Even if it may seem as though there is no way out, that is only how you perceive things.

      What does the Eight of Swords teach me? ›

      The Eight of Swords reveals that you feel trapped and restricted by your circ*mstances. You believe your options are limited with no clear path out. You might be in an unfulfilling job, an abusive relationship, a significant amount of debt or a situation way out of alignment with your inner being.

      What does the 8 of swords in the future mean? ›

      All of the things that you are putting up with in the present can lead you into a position where suddenly you are kept from all the possibilities of life outside a narrow scope. Seeing the Eight of Swords in the future position warns you that current comforts may become tomorrow's ties that bind.

      What is the energy of the 8 of swords? ›

      In its upright position, the Eight of Swords signifies a feeling of being trapped, restricted, and backed into a corner. It represents negative thoughts, self-imposed limitations, and a victim mentality. You may find yourself imprisoned by your own beliefs and unable to see the possibilities for change.

      What does a sword symbolize spiritually? ›

      The sword symbolizes power, protection, authority, strength, and courage; metaphysically, it represents discrimination and the penetrating power of the intellect. The sword is phallic, with the sheath being yonic.

      How do you explain the sword of the Spirit? ›

      The sword of the Spirit is how Paul describes the word of God and its role in spiritual warfare. While truth, salvation, faith, and righteousness are also depicted as essential pieces of armor, the Word of God is depicted as the offensive weapon used in spiritual warfare against the devil, demons, and their schemes.

      What do swords generally mean in Tarot? ›

      In divination, the suit of swords is associated with masculinity and intellect, but also sorrow and misfortune. The element of air has been associated with the suit. Etteilla and Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers equated Swords to the suit of Spades in the French pack.

      Is Seven of Swords positive or negative? ›

      In a yes or no tarot reading, the Seven of Swords suggests a negative answer. It signifies deceit, trickery, and a lack of honesty. It is advisable to reassess the situation and consider alternative paths before moving forward.

      What is the advice of 8 wands in Tarot? ›

      In conclusion, the Eight of Wands is a card of momentum, progress, and excitement. It urges us to embrace opportunities, trust our instincts, and take decisive action towards our goals. By harnessing the energy of the universe and aligning our desires with our actions, we can manifest our dreams into reality.

      What's the Tarot card for love? ›

      The Lovers card is the seventh Major Arcana card in the tarot deck. It's all about love, deep connections, and attraction. This card embodies the idea of unconditional love and the concept of twin flames.

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      Strength is a Major Arcana tarot card, and is numbered either XI or VIII, depending on the deck. Historically it was called Fortitude, and in the Thoth Tarot deck it is called Lust. This card is used in game playing as well as in divination.

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      In case you're just starting out with a YES NO tarot reading keep it basic. If the Tarot card is upright, you've got a Yes. If it's reversed, it's a No. To use this technique, make sure your deck has a balanced mix of upright and reversed cards.

      What does the Eight of Wands mean in a love reading? ›

      When it comes to love and relationships, the Eight of Wands signifies a period of excitement and passion. If you are in a relationship, expect a surge of love, romance, and adventure. Your connection with your partner will deepen, and you may experience a holiday romance or a sudden surge of infatuation.

      What do Swords represent in Tarot love? ›

      The Suit of Swords in the tarot represents conflict, loss, futility, and troubles. The Suit of Swords correlates to the element air, which signifies the mind, the intellect, thoughts, choices, versatility, decisions, and communication.

      What does the 8 of cups mean in a love reading? ›

      The 8 of Cups tarot love meaning indicates that there is often some soul-searching that needs to be done about whether your partnership is one that truly fulfills you. Can you imagine spending the rest of your life with this person?

      What does the page of swords mean in a love reading? ›

      When the Page of Swords appears upright in a love Tarot reading, it signifies the importance of open and honest communication. You and your partner may engage in deep conversations, intellectual debates, or exchange thought-provoking ideas.


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      Name: Reed Wilderman

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      Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.